Beginning its life as a late entry into the programming of the 2010 CITT Annual Conference Saturday morning sessions, the “How Much Rope Do You Give Them?” series gives educationally-based Production Managers and Technical Directors the chance to discuss issues that concern their day-to-day activities working in a college or university theatre school.
The idea for an on-going forum germinated from lively discussions at post-session social hours during the 2010 P.M.Arts conference. Attendee Susann Hudson, TD and Instructor at Acadia University, and Director Peter Fleming, Production and Operations Manager at Ryerson Theatre School, decided to test the waters of interest in Halifax, where Susann had been asked to provide content for a CITT session. A surprisingly large and enthusiastic crowd filled the conference room and the morning was deemed a success, with participants wanting further opportunities to engage with each other.
What started as a wide-ranging overview of the student training experience has now found shape in the form of targeted sessions, each one designed to tackle a group-generated topic.